Emerging Entrepreneurs and the Challenges They Face

It is not uncommon to meet young people who are unsatisfied with their life. Many of them had to sacrifice their passion for various things like photography, technology, cooking, food delivering, driving, etc. because of a misconception about the term “success”.

It is widely believed that getting a job in a multinational company that pays well makes a person successful. This is not necessarily a bad idea. But, it restricts the young generation’s ambitions, forcing them to believe that this is the only path to follow. The reality, however, is quite different - why work for someone else when you can have your own way? Why not become an entrepreneur?

You don’t need to be old or young enough to start your own venture. In fact, the youngest minds are the freshest and are factories of constant idea generation. A huge number of global entrepreneurs today are either high school students. If you try to compile a list of the world’s most prosperous entrepreneurs, expect several names that fall below the age of 22.

This is because the young generation has a critical thought process and is capable of immediately adapting to new concepts. Their unique perspective allows them to see things differently. A 5-year-old can easily navigate through Smartphone’s and their apps. This is something even an adult may have trouble mastering. This is proof of how the current and emerging generation can adapt to innovations faster than their elders.

Now, let us try to understand what factors compel the youth’s ideas to come to fruition when it comes to entrepreneurship. 

# They are not encouraged

To say that only a selected few have smart thoughts and become successful entrepreneurs will be an error. Everybody has ideas, but most fail to develop them into possibilities. You can relate to it when you notice that many of the triumphant international businesses have existed for decades and are simply passed down to the next generation to continue the legacy. While some may have always wanted to carry the family business ahead, others may not have had the choice of doing something else.

An example would be my neighbour and his 7-year-old son. I often hear him saying, “I have nothing to worry about, my son will take my work farther ahead. It is expected of a father to see his kid carry on his establishment but saying this regularly in front of his son is impacting the kid subconsciously. Who knows? Maybe he would want to build supercars one day instead of running the family business.

Many young people have better concepts in their minds that could help them stand toe-to-toe with business conglomerates one day. Unfortunately, that hardly happens because nobody hears them out or tells them, “Hey, your idea sounds amazing! You should work on it and make it perfect”. While it may seem like the parents are to be blamed, they are not. Anybody would care for their child’s future because becoming an entrepreneur also means having the mental capacity to overcome obstacles one after another. My cousin, a father of two, is worried that his kids may not be able to endure the constant pressure of starting a business. Hence, like most parents, he shows his sons a general direction to make a living. Such an approach may cause numerous goal-oriented future stars to lose their dreams.

Financial problems and criticism

Several young minds, seeking their way into the game are tied down by the lack of capital. Quite a big portion of the world is not affluent enough to put their ideas into action, causing their thoughts to wilt even before blooming. When families are not financially capable of starting a business, their sons and daughters have to adjust to the present conditions rather than trying to evolve. I once met a girl who could not realize her dreams of owning a boutique because her family did not have enough capital to support her. And, she was not confident of her success, so she never took loans.

A teenager looking for funding from friends and family, who are not ready to support because they don’t share the same passion or understand the plans, is likely to lose the will to take another step.

However, in today’s world, things are getting easier. Networking with other young entrepreneurs through social media or physically, understanding how they started, and discussing ideas with like-minded people can open up an array of possibilities. And, the once-massive challenge may shrink a few inches.

At the same time, your idea may sound too much to handle, you may be criticized by others, and repeatedly told that the idea could have gone better. 

Do not let these discourage you. If you have thought it is possible, you already know the way. 

The new generation holds immense potential. They need to know that an idea is a destination to drive to. They need a platform where they can chase their dreams at their own pace. When they are shown the way to use their knowledge in initiating a start-up, it not only bolsters the youth’s ambitious mentality but also adds to the economic growth of the nation. Becoming an entrepreneur makes one self-reliant and an example to the others around.

At VGO, we believe that everybody deserves their shot at success. We make every potential startup stand out in its own way. VGO helps a person’s concept be developed cost-effectively and then efficiently market it to generate sales. We pick up the smallest of ideas and turn them into creativity-filled giants that come to life in front of a much wider audience. A high school student may bring forth an extraordinary concept and kick-start a business with the help of VGO. Continuing studies will never be hampered as one can easily run his business while earning the degrees. Do not worry. We handle all the requirements including but not limited to Build, Support, Sales and Marketing. VGO takes care of all the heavy lifting for you!


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