Pandemic has hit unemployment rates, but we have some news!

2020 has been a roller coaster ride for everyone around the world, from economic crisis to people getting unemployed in every sector of business. No country has managed to avoid the rising unemployment.

For India, the estimate is about  4.1 million youth, losing their jobs. According to the latest report by think-tank Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) the employment rate had fallen to an all-time low of 38.2 per cent in March 2020. Youth will be hit harder than adults (25 and older) in the immediate crisis and risk-bearing higher longer-term economic and social costs. The young people's employment prospects in Asia and the Pacific are severely impacted due to the pandemic. Youth unemployment rates have increased sharply in the first quarter of 2020 from the last quarter of 2019. Between 1 crore and 1.5 crores, youth jobs (full-time equivalent) may be lost across 13 countries in Asia and the Pacific in 2020. The U.S. has seen a huge spike in unemployment as over 26 million people have claimed for state support because of losing their jobs. The UK, Canada, and various European and Asian countries have also registered a huge loss in jobs which increases their rate of unemployment.

There is chaos and panic everywhere, according to Kristalina Georgieva, the head of IMF ( International Monetary Fund), this is the second-worst economic crisis faced by the world since the great depression of the 1930s. Due to lockdowns imposed everywhere in the world people are forced to stay in, for their safety as well as others.  Increasing unemployment

is destroying livelihoods and according to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) every fourth person in India is unemployed. Well, that is scary.

It's true, not every job can be done sitting at home but we need to make the most of what we can do, even while staying home. The new trend that is going on is the Work From Home trend, as there is no other option left for companies to keep their operations from stopping and this is for people who still have their jobs. Some of them do thankfully, but for the many who don't, there is good news.

In this frightful situation, VGo Global provides you with a platform, a blessing in disguise where Freelancers, with their skill set irrespective of their geographic location, are welcome to come abroad. VGo Global is a startup platform that funds, builds,  supports  & markets startups. It has 99 startups that are already in the conceptual stage which leads to the creation of many employment opportunities for people belonging to different domains.

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