4 Tips Before You Start A Business With Your Sibling

 "Don't do business with a family." is one of the most popular business advices. That paired with sibling rivalry and property disputes, starting a business with your sibling could seem like the worst thing to do.


But, every once in a while, most of us trail down the dreamy land where we imagine starting a business with siblings. After all, they are your confidant, your best friend, and you have immense love and trust for one another.


If you are willing to take the plunge, here are a few tips for you. Starting a business with siblings can be awesome, fun, and successful. Besides that, it could also help strengthen the bond.


Put it on paper:

Family or not, there are many ways a business can go wrong. It is crucial to remember that no business is guaranteed 100% success. So, what happens when the company goes into loss? What happens if one of you messes something up?

Yes, these are not optimistic thoughts, but well, life is unpredictable. So, talk it out. Make sure each of you knows your responsibility. Also, talk about the possibilities such as one of you getting a better job offer or having to move to a different city.

While you might want to leave it at a verbal agreement, don't. Document every single thing so that there are no confusions later. It plays a pivotal role in preventing finger-pointing and relationship from going wrong.


Draw the line:

Don't mix business with family. Leave the family baggage at the door when you come together for business, and leave the business disagreements at work when you're together as a family.

Remember to segregate time for both aspects of your life. It's easy for people to forget hanging out together as a family, pulling out old jokes, and more, once they get engrossed in business. It is also possible for disputes at work to make family gatherings awkward.

So, to prevent it from happing, make sure you hang out as a family every once in a while. Rekindle the sibling bond, no matter what's happening in the business, and make sure to show each other that they are valued.


Speak up:

Speaking up when you don't like something is a trait most siblings develop at an early age with relentless fighting. They also have their way of settling their disputes. However, with age, many people develop a habit of bottling up their emotions to prevent a confrontation. It could have serious consequences when it comes to business.

Bottled up emotions and dissatisfactions will burst sometime or the other. It could do irreversible damage not only to business relationships but personal relationships too. So, speak up, have the confrontations and solve the issues as an when it comes. Don't let them pile up.



Mutual trust is the name of the game for any successful partnership. It's no different for sibling partnership. Trust one other's decision and try to let go of a few things. Not everything can work your way.


If you and your siblings are planning to start a business, feel free to contact VGo Global. We are a startup ecosystem that runs on points dedicated to helping every startup dream come true.

We are open to new concepts from November 18th, 2020.

For more details, contact us on Facebook, Instagram, or Website.


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