5 Ways to Beat the Afternoon Slump

 The afternoon slump is a real thing. So, if you don't get it, consider yourself lucky. It a sudden drop in energy post-lunch, making you feel lethargic, unable to concentrate or be productive.


For those of us who face it, don't fret, it is normal. Our energy level drops, and our body craves some sleep around seven hours after we wake up. During this period, we might dose off, yawn, feel demotivated, or just want to sleep.


Unfortunately, it's afternoon, which means most of us are at work and have so much to do. It would have been awesome if this energy slump happened at bedtime, but it's office time, and so we got to beat it.


So, here are five things we can do to overcome this mid-day slump.



Stretch a little, take a walk, or even dance. Moving a little can help a great deal in shaking off the lethargy and getting back on track with your to-do list. Moving helps get your heart rate up, boosts blood flow to your brain and throughout your body, which helps prevent you from feeling tired. 


Stay hydrated:

If somebody tells you that water is a magical potion that heals everything, including mid-day slump, feel free to believe it. Staying hydrated not only helps you stay healthier but also makes you feel more alert.



Put your headphones on, and turn up the music. If your teammates don't mind, blast it on a speaker. Music doesn't just make you feel good and kick that lethargy but also helps you be more creative and productive. According to a study published in the Journal of Music Therapy, listening to your favorite type of music lowers your perception of tension It makes you happier and productive during stressful situations.


Tweak your to-do list:

Know your peak productivity hours and shift other works such as replying to emails, collaborating, group discussion, and more to your mid-day slump time. 

You could also use the Pomodoro Technique to help boost your productivity when you're working alone and have a lot to do.


Freshen up:

If nothing works, you could splash some water on your face or brush your teeth. However, if playing around with water isn't an option, you could always chew a piece of gum or smell something energizing. 


Well, that’s the list. But no two people are the same, and different tricks work for different people. Tell us in the comments what works for you and other ways to kick that mid-day energy drop.


Bonus: Do what you love!

If you hate your job, you're bound to feel exhausted all the time. So, if you're looking forward to starting your own company, being an influencer, or being a freelancer, feel free to contact us. 


Reach us on Facebook, Instagram, or Website. 


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